Is Kinsta Web Hosting Trusted and Secured

Is Kinsta Web Hosting Trusted and Secured? 

Are you looking for a trustworthy WordPress hosting company? Is kinsta web hosting trusted, reliable and secured? Kinsta has been providing high quality WordPress hosting solutions since 2013. Their mission is to make sure that all of their hosting customers succeed.

WordPress can be difficult to set up and maintain, but with over 1/3 of the internet running on WordPress it’s very important to have secure and reliable hosting solutions.

Is Kinsta Web Hosting Trusted? 

Trust is hard to earn and easy to lose.That’s why at Kinsta, they take your trust seriously and do their best from day one to earn it. 

Because customer loyalty is a rare thing, especially when you consider how much money most customers spend on their hosting each year. 

I mean, just look at the price difference between a shared hosting plan for a business and a VPS or dedicated server plan.

Kinsta’s servers are one of the most important aspects of its reliability. They use only the best hardware, from Intel Xeon processors to SSD storage to fully managed power and network. They know when you’re getting the best hardware powering your WordPress website, nothing else matters.

They have optimized Apache and NGINX for WordPress in addition to supporting custom configurations such as HHVM and Memcached.

Combinations of all these advanced technologies made Kinsta one of the trusted and reliable WordPress premium web hosting.

What Makes Kinsta Web Hosting Reliable?

If you’re a developer, then you’ve probably had to deal with a web hosting issue at some point. Whether it’s downtime, instability, slow load times or just poor customer support, it can be a nightmare.

There are plenty of good web hosting providers out there. But we’re not just another one of those web hosting services. They’re Kinsta.

And when it comes to fast, dependable hosting, they go above and beyond all of the competition. 

They focus on efficiency, not just speed and quickness. That’s starting their in-house developed platform, CORE, and continuing with the proprietary tools and technology that power our infrastructure.

So what makes Kinsta hosting so reliable? They’ve worked hard to make sure their servers are optimized for WordPress and that everything is fast, from the time it takes to provision a server, to site load times, and even caching. 

Here are just a few of the things that make Kinsta Web hosting reliable:

  • Their engineers add new processes and features to their in-house developed platform, CORE, every day. With CORE, they’re able to monitor and respond to any issues or problems 24/7/365 by rolling out updates every minute of every day for 365 days a year. 
  • Their proprietary caching technology and runtime allows us to cache aggressively to provide greater performance for all sites on Kinsta servers. 
  • Their platform utilizes an auto-scaling mechanism that can scale our infrastructure up or down based on the load. 
  • Their process management system can divide databases into smaller chunks and replicate them to multiple hard drives across different machines while keeping them synchronized at all times using Redis Sentinel – all without any downtime to the site.

Key Advantages of Kinsta WordPress Hosting 

Kinsta is one of the fastest growing hosting companies in the world with more than 1500% growth in the last couple of years.Their team is continuously working to make their product even better, faster, stronger and more secure.

The following are some of the key advantages that Kinsta offers:

Scalability – Kinsta’s Hybrid-Cloud web hosting is designed to handle thousands of customers on a single server. Anytime you need more resources, you can spin up additional servers seamlessly.

Full-Page Caching –  To ensure your website delivers the best possible performance, Kinsta automatically caches your entire WordPress site in memory, on every server. This drastically reduces page load times since your content is served directly from memory.

Security – Kinsta employs custom firewalls, intrusion detection systems and 24/7 security monitoring to keep your website safe from DDoS attacks and other potential threats.

Other WordPress cloud hosting platforms often allow for multiple instals to be run on a 

Single server – This means that if one site gets hacked and infected, chances are it will spread to other sites as well. Kinsta ensures that every site, regardless of size or traffic, runs on its own unique server to prevent this from happening.

Fantastic Support – I think this is where Kinsta really shines. They have an entire team of people ready to help at any time. The ticket system is on the site, which allows for near instant responses and I can’t really think of anything better than that when it comes to getting support.

Their average response time is 41 seconds if you include weekends, and there is also a phone number available for you to use if you prefer. The agent responses are also top notch and always helpful if not exactly what you need.

Is Kinsta Expensive?

Is Kinsta web hosting expensive? Of course not. In fact, it’s completely the opposite. That’s why in this review, I’m going to be taking a look at the Kinsta domain hosting plan & see if it is just as amazing as it sounds on paper

Their base price starts at $35/month which will get you hosting for 25k visits/mo, but they have a number of other tiers as well.

However, prices vary depending on your specific needs and the size of your business. For example, if you want premium WordPress hosting with the highest performance, Kinsta is not cheap. 

But if you need professional WordPress hosting and want the best performance, then Kinsta is worth it. 

Check out the upgraded prices

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